Who Is The Holy Spirit

Is The Holy Spirit A Person?

Who Is The Holy SpiritWho is the Holy Spirit?  Yes, I did refer to the Holy Spirit as a “who” and not a “what” because the Holy Spirit is a person in the form of “God’s Spirit.”  His spirit lives in us and controls us to be all that God created us to be.  If the Holy Spirit can live inside us, that means It can live and if It lives in us that means that it is a person in the form of a spirit.  This “person” can influence our thoughts in a Godly way.

The Holy Spirit is also a “power” or “force” that lives in us.  It is our “helper.” It causes us to do what we could not ordinarily do.  There has been mis-conceptions about this force that would cause people to think the Holy Spirit to be spooky and mysterious.

The Holy Spirit helps us to be able to do things like “forgive” or “be nice” to people who have been mean to us or “to obey God’s Word.”  Think about something the bible tells us to do that is considered hard.  The Holy Spirit enables us to do this thing, if we allow.

The Holy Spirit Influences

There are two influences in this world period.  Good or (God) and Evil the (devil).  Every action we take is influenced by one spirit or the other.

How do we get the Holy Spirit to help us or to influence our lives?  It is easy.  We just have to “allow.”  Read the bible, obey the bible and John 14:15 tells us that Jesus would pray to the Father and he would send us a helper which is the “Holy Spirit.”

Galatians 5:16-22 tells us the difference between good and evil and paints a picture of both when they are operating in our lives.  It also tells us that if we practice doing what God wants, we will develop or produce (certain fruit) in our lives or the things that God’s Holy Spirit produces.

So the only thing we really have to do for the Holy Spirit to help us is to read and obey God’s word and we will receive additional assistance to do what we otherwise could not.